his seizing the throne so no one could contest him in any manner can be called one of his more kind deeds.
One would almost think looking upon this feast that the dwarven nobility were happy. This illusion was shattered when Gorv stood and lifted his hand above his head. Without having to say a word the entire throne room went from a raucous celebration to complete silence, the deafness of a funeral. Gorv ruled by fear, “Bring in the ruby!” he shouted to no one in particular in an angry drunken tone. The large stone doors of the throne room were already opened for the feast and the tables had been arranged to the side in advance to make room for the jewel’s delivery. The ruby was wheeled into the throne room with all the pomp and circumstance of a kings’ coronation. Entering in a carriage made of solid gold, the laced wheels included, the ruby lay on an endless bed of silk pillows secured by a chain. Flanked by a royal guard in the finest armor, the eight guards marched in step, pushing the carriage towards the throne. Gorv stood wobbly, red faced and very proud of himself as if he was bringing in a conquered foe to grovel before him. The procession reached the foot of the throne and came to a halt. The eight guards spoke in perfect unison, “My king, we present the lost dragon ruby for your rule, to be added to your treasury.” King Gorv walked down the steps of his throne perch and approached the ruby. A guard opened the front of the carriage to present the jewel to the king. The ruby was very heavy and seated towards the back of the carriage deeply among the silken pillows, chained in so as not to move. However, when the guard opened the carriage door so the king could enter and touch the ruby, the ruby somehow rolled forward falling out of the carriage and crushed king Gorv to death in front of everyone. Before the shock of what had just happened set in or the screams could begin, the gigantic boulder sized dragon ruby rose six feet off the floor with the smashed body of the previous king still attached. The dragon ruby began to slowly rotate as those present looked on in silent horror and disbelief. A voice spoke, not the king’s, but a voice seeming to come from within the ruby itself.
“ Hatred and evil always find a reason to justify their existence, while love and goodness simply exist.” The dragon ruby spoke those words as everyone stared unable to grasp the gravity of the full situation. The ruby spoke again, “You have failed both, now become what you desire!” At that instant everyone and everything in the throne room was turned into a solid gray stone.
There is a purpose and a power behind the dragon statue. If the jewels on the four dragon lords’ statues are disturbed then this power and purpose is activated. The jewel serves as a conductor of sorts, when the jewel is disturbed it will transfer all matter within a certain distance to stone. This is the energy that allows for the dragon statue guardian to transform from stone to a seemingly living dragon of scales. The dragon statue found by these under mountain dwarves is the guardian of Zebial first born of the dragon lords. The guardian dragon is not a copy or clone of Zebial, nor does it possess the wisdom or years of knowledge. It is simply a tool. The dragon statue has one purpose, to destroy all in its path when disturbed. The ruby cannot be returned to the statue if removed after transformation. The dragon statue will rampage until it is destroyed by something completely or the actual Zebial comes and relieves the guardian. The latter option being impossible as Zebial sleeps away Zangoath’s curse in the unknown north.
The moment the ruby transformed the throne room banquet to stone the guardian of Zebial came to life. No one could know this with the dig site being hundreds of miles removed from the throne room where the ruby activated. The guardian immediately began thrashing wildly and burning everyone and everything in sight.