This small clinic didn’t have video protection.
Although she had been so proud in watching him so that she could give a good description, she couldn’t, for the life of her, remember if he had gloves on. Beth didn’t think he did, but she could not swear to it either way. As she gave a rendition of his eyes, things really went south fast.
Beth was questioned as to whether she had been drinking, if she might have known the thief, since she had let him in with no problem. Suddenly, she became a possible co-conspirator.
Corporate headquarters called and stated that she and Reggie must return immediately. They sent out another pair of auditors to redo what they had started at this Clinic.
At headquarters, she underwent her own audit. They were going to discharge her based on the police report. Even though she was never officially accused of any crime, they had too many questions that couldn’t be cleared up. An auditor had to be squeaky clean.
Beth lost her job and her retirement fund. She also lost any bonuses she had built. A pair of golden eyes had cost her the life that she loved.
That was the first time she had met him. At that time, all she could hope was that she would never meet him again.
Chapter Two
It was six months before Beth did see him again. She had finally found a solid job. It didn’t pay as much. They didn’t give the benefits. It was the best she could do, because she didn’t have references.
Beth was doing standard bookkeeping for a small construction office. She was redoing their old style system on an outdated PC. The owner, an older woman, was happy that her old rusty system was getting a free upgrade. Beth didn’t mind the lack of polish in her tiny little office.
One of the guys from the back stuck his head in the door waiting for her to look up. “Hey, Beth, we’re going out for beers after work, even Ev is coming. It’s at Range’s, right around the corner, so no one has to clean up. We won’t stay long, even though it’s Friday. If you need a ride, let me know.”
He was gone without giving her a chance to decline. Ev was the owner, so that made it hard to say no anyways. Shit, she really did not want to get social with anyone right now.
Beth was able to dress down at this little work office— jeans, a sleeveless tee with a long sleeve cover up to hide the too generous bust. However, the outfit would fit in at Range’s because that bar was a fairly safe biker’s bar.
Okay, she would have a beer with the gang in order to seem to fit in, then she’d go home early. Money was tight, as she’d used up some of her savings to buy the old jeep she was using to get to work. The cheap apartment had very little furniture, a TV with no cable, and little or poor parking. It was the right price.
She finished up, shutting everything down for the weekend. She went out to her jeep. As she pulled into the parking lot, two of the guys from the back workshop saw her, waved her over, and waited so she would go in with them. Beth actually appreciated the company. The construction firm did mostly woodwork, so none of her fellow workers ever got that dirty. They just had on baggy jeans and sweaty shirts. The blast of frigid AC that hit them as they entered the bar was welcome.
The bar was typical, dark with red lights from the flickering candles buried in the red glasses that were all along the bar. They were also on every scarred table. The rest of the light came from the exit signs, the restroom signs or any of the beer advertisements behind the bar. The music from the juke box was loud. The click of the pool games in the rear was ceaseless. The two waitresses were looking tired already, although the evening was just starting for them. Yah, Friday night with working men that had money in their pockets, yet more importantly the need for beers.
The team had a table with some of the guys at it already. They pulled up empty chairs. Ted, one of the guys who entered with her,