of pleasure, interspersed with hysterical shrieks and a single, blood curdling scream.
‘That’s Ally, she’s a screamer,’ Kelly said when she saw Jake staring at the row of doors.
‘It sounded as if she was being murdered.’
‘You get used to it. I work in the room next to hers in the parlour.’ She glanced over her shoulder. ‘Let’s go back to the party.’
‘Why? We could both do with a break.’
‘I know you’re trying to be kind, but if I’m caught slacking I’ll lose my job.’
Jake opened his bedroom door, but, even as he dragged Kelly inside, he sensed her reluctance. He had to physically move her aside to close the door. A light burned on the side table casting shadows. His bed was rumpled and an unpleasant, fishy aroma of sex, expensive cologne and sweat filled the room. Damian’s guests never respected his lodgers’ privacy. ‘Who’s going to know if you’re slacking or not?’
‘People listen,’ Kelly said nervously. ‘We just did.’
‘I can moan but I won’t promise to make as much noise as your friend,’ Jake joked.
‘Ally’s not my friend.’ Kelly sat on the bed, kicked off her shoes and pulled off her top.
‘Keep your clothes on. I only brought you in here to chill out. You’re not sixteen, are you?’
She picked up her top and slipped her shoes back on. ‘Yes, I am.’ She left the bed and went to the door.
‘What you doing?’
‘I’m here to work. If you don’t want me, you should be out there enjoying yourself.’
He laid his hand on hers on the door handle. ‘Kelly, it doesn’t have to be this way for you …’
‘Don’t be nice. I can’t stand nice …’
The door slammed back on its hinges with a force that sent Kelly flying across the room. Before Jake had time to turn, hands clamped over his eyes and nose. He tried to shout but when he opened his mouth something coarse, dry and rough was pushed into it, preventing him from breathing. He choked, fought and struggled for breath.
Hands clamped around his waist, lifting him from his feet. His belt was unbuckled; his jeans unzipped and pulled down around his ankles. Terrified of rape, he struggled with every ounce of strength he possessed. Breath hissed from his lungs, loosening the rag in his mouth as he was thrown face down on to the floor. Something hard and bony … a knee? … thrust painfully into the small of his back.
Hands pressed his head face down on to the wooden floor and fumbled at the back of his legs. Kelly’s sobs filled the air. They died abruptly after a harsh slap clipped through the air.
A sharp pain penetrated the back of Jake’s leg. He felt something wet and warm trickling down his calf. A fuzzy feeling stole upwards through his veins, paralysing his senses. He didn’t need to be told what was happening. He knew he’d been injected with something even before the voice hissed in his ear.
‘This is on the house.’
The warmth intensified until it flared into a furnace. His head jerked back, his spine cracked.
‘I would say we’ll contact you before you need more. But this is a one-time special – Mr. Policeman.’
Fire tore through his body, searing, burning, asphyxiating. Hands lifted him up into the air again. A cold breeze cooled his skin and he sensed he’d been carried on to his balcony. He struggled to open his eyes.
Lights wavered far below. He opened his mouth and screamed and didn’t stop screaming until he hurtled downwards into darkness.
Kelly was yanked upright in the corner of the room where she’d huddled, head in hands.
Fists propelled her out into the corridor. Alec was stumbling, zig-zagging from one wall to another. He squinted at her.
‘Kelly? I’m so – o – o tired …’
‘You need to get your head down somewhere quiet, Alec.’
Ally left one of the rooms and pulled her skirt down over the top of her thighs. ‘Give me a hand, Kelly.’
Kelly stared at the door that had closed behind her.
‘Kelly?’ Ally repeated.