door closing receded she dropped into the chair, her whole body shaking as the tears slid down her soft cheek s .
There was no real love between herself and Angel a; however her sister’s son David was the apple of her eye. He had already lost one parent and to lose another would be devastating. She kn ew that she would do whatever he wanted to keep her sister from prison and also to avoid their family’s situation becoming so public, knowing that her link to the inevitable scandal would be devastating. With a sad curl of her lip she again wondered why her sister had bee n so stupid. Why had she countersigned the loans her husband made in the company’ s name ? With Nick gone the only other person to be blamed would be Angela, Sara giving a soft groan. For David’s sake and her own, she knew that she would do whatever was needed.
Her fingers moved to where she could still feel the touch of his hand, frowning at the way her body reacted to the way he pulled her towards him. His words haunted her - “ H e was open to the same kind of persuasion ” - did he really believe that she planned to use her body to try and persuade the CEO of the Gare lli Corporation not to take action against her sister ?
With a frown , she wondered what she had really expected. She hoped that explaining the situation would have been eno ugh, now wondering how naive that thought had been. Kicking o f f her shoes she pulled her feet under her, suddenly feeling so tired she waited for his inevitable return.
For over an hour she waited, her eyes growing heavier with the only sound that of the ticking of the large grandfather clock her eyes w ere purposefully fixed upon . T he room was warm, the large chair comfortable as despite her best efforts sleep tugged at her , her sleepless night the previous day taking its toll as Sara fina lly succumbed to the blissful peace.
Darius Garelli moved quietly back into his suite, his expression serious. His meeting with the ambassador had gone on longer than he intended, his mouth set as he told himself that she deserved to be left waiting. Seeing her at the ball was unexpected, even more so seeing how much she had changed in the past six years.
As a young girl she had been awkward, but there had always been something about Sara Balfour that fascinated him. H e believed her to be different from her controlling bullying father and simpering sister, h owever, when she had been the one to fire him on the trumped up charge of theft he realised that she was indeed her father’s daughter .
After making his fortune from the initial stake his father gave him, on the condition he change his name to his - not something that was a concern to Darius whose mother was never likely to win any parent of the year awards - he gr ew that small stake to a billion dollar corporation. He always planned on avenging himself on the B a lfours , and finding out how badly their company was performing seemed like a sign from above as he moved against them in a hostile takeover.
After taking over the company , he was shocked at what he discovered, the irony not lost on him as he revelled in his upcoming revenge. His plan had been simple : to have the family publicly kicked out of their home, have Angela Balfour imprisoned, and their good name dragged through the mud. His only regret that there was no direct way to really get to Sara Balfour, the one he hated most. The woman who stood so calmly and coldly telling him that he was fired, telling him that if he did not leave that she would have him thrown in jail .
Her appearance that night had given him a glimmer of hope. Perhaps there really was a way to get to her, to make her pay in the most humiliating way imaginable. Entering the study he frowned, hearing nothing. He knew she had not left , his guard on the door ensuring that she did not get cold feet and flee. Moving forward , his eyes finally f ell on the sleeping woman in the