play party and become an active participant in our lifestyle before you seek a master. Mastery and slavery are no places for a lone ranger, if only because you’re going to have to meet a lot of people before you meet the one who was meant for you.
Ideal y one trains through a wide variety of activities. I wil be the first to admit that just reading this book isn’t going to make you a slave.
One needs the experience of sharing with those who have relevant experience, perhaps even being mentored by them, of practicing the specific activities and behaviors associated with service so that they become natural y occurring in one’s daily life, and of deciding how you most want to express and arrange your life and its relationships in real ways so that you are a slave. Nuances of method and execution, of speech, and of thought must be understood. There are psychological and emotional changes that one undergoes as wel , on the road to attaining ful maturity in one’s chosen lifestyle.
Both mastery and service will be naturally structured by the two (or more) people in the relationship. Your very personal histories, personalities, localities, orientations, among a host of other characteristics, determine who you are and what you want to be. You can’t submerge who you are or from whence you come in the living of a relationship. For that reason there is no one way to be a master and neither is there one way to be a slave. When lived to its ful est it will be your (and this word is plural) creation. What I can give you in these pages are guidelines, suggestions, and real-life examples upon which you can model your own beliefs, desires, and behaviors.
Although the greater part of this book is derived from my 20 plus years of mastery, including five years as a slave, this book includes the information taken from interviews with men and women who have experience in a master/slave relationship. I have tried to be as encompassing as possible, including both men and women of al orientations and lifestyles. Each has lived in a committed master/
slave relationship for at least one year. That, and the wil ingness to be interviewed, are the only criteria for inclusion.
I have also interviewed several others who have attempted to create this kind of relationship without success, thereby giving some 35
I suggest my Partners In Power , Greenery Press, Oakland, CA, 2003.
Appendix D list others.
examples and fostering an understanding of what might be avoided.
About Patrick’s Reflections
At the end of each chapter you’l find reflections from Patrick, my 24/7 slave of nine years. They are his heart-felt and experienced-based thoughts on life in voluntary servitude. Like me, you wil find him a happy, intel igent, and contented individual. His strength has strengthened me. Here his thoughts strengthen my words.
For those who are curious, Patrick is nine years younger than I, has a Master’s degree in Community Development, and presently works ful -time outside our home as business development manager for a video and book distribution company. We own our home jointly and in it he cares for me daily as cook, shopper, janitor, butler, laundry guy, and fabulous sex partner. He is also active in one of our local Leather clubs and spends much of his free time reading Star Trek novels.
In discussing the writing of his reflections, we had to arrive at what he should cal me in print. We settled on “Sir” since that is his usual form of address to and about me. Though I am somewhat wary of titles such as “My Sir,” I accept the title Sir from him as a shorthand that acknowledges my mastery of him and his surrender to me. I trust you wil see that word in the same light and therefore appropriate for his use. You, on the other hand, are certainly free to cal me “Jack.”
Few books are one person endeavors. Therefore I wish the acknowledge the hundreds of men and women who have taught me the way of mastery