puppet created from necromancy. Even in Ensolus few dare use such magic and giving it the sense of self is ridiculous. Your resurrection man spell is an aberration and your faith in something made from the body of our enemy leaves me questioning my faith in a warlock like you.”
Atrouseon waited patiently and meekly as the man spoke. Hearing the condescending words for his own existence made Palose want to frown in kind, but the former battle mage did his best to avoid showing any emotion. He had always tried to remain quiet to hold some air of mystery among his peers. Training his face to remain blank in front of a mirror at night, the battle mage had worked hard to perfect the skill.
When Atrouseon believed it was his time to speak, he did so carefully. “My lord, when we caught this mage in flight back to the wall of Southwall, his fall broke his neck giving us an opportunity that we have rarely had. I have studied the various spells of necromancy as my master once ordered me. This resurrection man was returned to life using commands to bind him to me. His obedience to my whims is unquestioned. I made sure to also purge him of his allegiance to Southwall that he might infiltrate their world and still follow our needs.
“He is no imperfect wraith with his skin dying on the bone held together by simple magic. This resurrection man is truly alive and breathing as any other creature. He simply has no will to defy me, his master.
“Though I understand your beliefs, my lord, you may question him and see for yourself.”
Another frown was revealed through the lord’s words as he replied, “Like I need your permission, Atrouseon.”
The man paled and looked ready to explain he had meant nothing of the kind, but already Lord Devolus was already scrutinizing Palose. “Tell me,... boy, how did you come by the opinion that this was a new force that repulsed our attack. When the plan to hit Windmeer from within was brought to us by your master, we were assured that you would wait for the best time to bring the attack through.”
Nodding at the statements, Palose tried to appear calm as he explained himself, “My lords, I summoned the attack force to come at night. The Southwall lords had sent a sizable force north of the wall believing that there was a large army from Ensolus nearby planning to attack.”
“They were sent out as a distraction to buy time for your part of the plan. Nearly a thousand soldiers formed of three brigades were sent to destroy any force sent into the field.”
Shrugging, Palose replied, “That may have been the plan, but one of the battle mages I know was with the force sent north was already deep inside the castle before we pulled back. Erdeeth and Kerlorish had thirty goblins and orcs as well as three trolls to kill the one mage, who had become separated from the rest; but if he was there then, however many returned with him, must have turned the battle.”
“You had armored viles, kiriaks and trolls to destroy any resistance. How could our forces lose?”
“I was there to bring our army into the castle and if the attack failed I was to help get as many of our warlocks clear of the city to find a way to open more portals. Invading Windmeer was a risky plan, which is why I was given alternate options. What exactly went wrong I don’t know, but this mage that I confronted knows some new magic that may have been used against even kiriaks and viles,” Palose informed the men trying to bring worth to this man’s eyes. He was no undead thing to be dismissed as garbage, even by this powerful lord.
Looking unconvinced, one of the men beside Devolus asked, “What kind of magic could a battle mage come up with that is so important?”
He could feel Atrouseon tense beside him with worry. His new apprentice was acting like no puppet as he had said, but now that autonomy was threatening to bring trouble down on the warlock. Palose had a feeling that the man was beginning to regret his use of
Tamara Veitch, Rene DeFazio