She watched as Dale stumbled his way toward her with an open beer can in hand.
He was dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and a school t-shirt. His pupils told her he was as high as a kite.
“You weren’t supposed to come. You don’t belong here. See…see…?” He gestured wildly to the bonfire. “The fire is going to burn out!”
Lola tried her hardest not to burst out laughing. He wasn’t making any sense and he was acting ridiculous. He was drunk, along with being high. She watched as Jessica strode toward them, placing her arm over Lola’s shoulders.
“Dale, Ashley is looking for you.”
Dale furrowed his brows. “Yesterday, she told me to get lost.”
“Yeah? Well, she changed her mind,” said Jessica, shrugging.
He hurriedly stumbled his way back to the party before tripping over a sand pile, spilling his beer. Lola laughed and turned to Jessica. “When did you get here?”
“I’ve been here for about an hour. It’s already in full swing.” Jessica glanced at Lola’s outfit. “You look great! Though it could be shorter.”
Lola looked down at her dress. The hem reached the middle of her thigh. “Excuse me? It’s short enough! If I sit down, people could see up my dress.”
“Maybe they should! We are nearing graduation and you need to get laid,” Jessica said, looking around at the party.
“Uh, no thank you. You know I want to wait,” explained Lola.
Jessica was always trying to set Lola up with a guy. Normally, the guys would be horrible and inappropriate. Lola found the guys at her high school to be completely immature. Plus, she wasn’t interested in a hook-up. Regardless of her parents’ marriage, she was interested in love.
“Surely you aren’t going to wait until marriage.”
“I don’t know. I want to wait until I’m in love.” Lola shrugged and looked away. “ As if that will ever happen.”
Lola felt a buzz in her head as if it was something dull and incoherent. Like static—an old radio trying to tune in where glimpses of words were trying to break through. She looked over her shoulder cautiously, but saw nobody. She looked back at Jessica, who was still perusing the crowd. She hoped Jessica wouldn’t notice she was in another world in her mind.
“Jessica, what are you looking for?”
“I’m going to find you a man so we can…” She looked at Lola for a moment with a slight smirk. “…cure you.”
“Jessica, wait!” Her best friend was already gone.
Lola sighed and laughed to herself. At times, it was difficult to handle Jessica. She looked back at the party before deciding to walk by herself. She took off her flats and walked back to her vehicle, placing them inside the front seat before carrying her soda down the beach.
She needed some alone time.
Dean slammed the back door behind him in a huff, bunching his fists together. It was bad enough having his mother get on his case about his lack of a soul mate. When his dad got into the mix, it rose to the next level. Luckily his brother, Freddie, wasn’t a part of it. He would just talk about how Dean didn’t deserve it or how Dean was so much better than everybody else.
Freddie had a major problem with his younger brother. He always believed Dean got the better end of the stick. According to Freddie, Dean had the good looks and the good life ahead of him.
It got to be very tiring.
He had