Cynthia Atkins, John Lyle, David Appelbaum, David Bialer. Robert Whitehill, JS Breukelaar, Matthew Rohrer, Matthew Lippman.
I also want to acknowledge the memory of the great writer and my friend Lucius Shepard.
Matt Bialer is the author of seven books of poetry including Radius (Les Editions du Zaporogue), Already Here, Ark, Black Powder, The Bloop (all from Black Coffee Press) and Bridge (Leaky Boot Press), Tell Them What I Saw (PS Publishing, UK) and He Walks On All Fours (Dynatox Ministries). His poems have appeared in many print and online journals including La Zaporogue, Green Mountains Review, Gobbet, Forklift Ohio, Cultural Weekly and H_NGM_N . He is also an acclaimed black and white street photographer and watercolorist who has exhibited widely. Some of his photographs are in the permanent collections of The Brooklyn Museum, The Museum of the City of New York and the The New York Public Library and his watercolors are in many private collections. His photographic monograph, More Than You Know , was published in 2011 by Les Editions du Zaporogue and Shadowbrook , a book of his paintings was issued by the same publisher in 2012. Matt lives with his wife Lenora Lapidus and daughter Izzy in Park Slope, Brooklyn. His website is
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