put her money towards those.
Again she started thinking about what life with Darrion would be like. Flashy cars, big homes, perhaps even with maids and cooks. With Darrion Stanton the sky was the limit. Of course he didn’t have student loans to pay off, had never gone hungry and had never worried about finding a place to live. Lissa learned early in life how to be grateful for simple things, like a working car and nice apartment. True, if she were with him everything would be handed to her on a silver platter. Everything, that is, except her beliefs, self-worth, and the closeness that a marriage should promise.
She started the car, threw it into reverse out of habit, backed away from the glittering hulk beside her, and headed down Broadway towards Parkcenter Blvd. She opened her window wide to the early morning breeze, but it was already hot enough to promise another sweltering day. At least her apartment had air conditioning, she thought. She reached down to the old standard Kraco radio and turned up the volume determined to drive the drowsiness away for just a few more minutes. She tried one station after another, finding nothing but vulgar DJ’s trying to hook their listeners with crudity and humiliation. Disgusted she flipped over to AM, looking instead for news.
“…there are no survivors, and no telling why the plane went down. Authorities are swarming to Cascade to find some clue as to who was on the plane, and why it crashed. So far it appears to be a charter plane out of Boise, but we cannot verify that. Keep it tuned here to 610 AM KBID for any further developments.
“Other stories we are following here in the Treasure Valley include the disappearance two days ago of young Beverley Windham, the daughter of Senator Gregg Windham, who was last seen running the greenbelt opposite BSU campus. Apparently she often jogged after her cla sses. Sources close the Windham s have indicated that while they feel this to be a kidnapping, they have heard nothing as far as a ransom notice, or anything to indicate foul play. Boise Police have not ruled out the possibility that the teen simply took off for an early weekend with her boyfriend Peter Frindle, who is also missing.”
“I did that once when I was in college,” the female counterpart joined into the speculation. “My parents just about went nuts, but I was young and wanted to taste all that life had to offer.”
“I think that was how my first wife and I started our marriage, come to think of it,” the male anchor came back on, his greasy smile all too evident through the tinny speakers. “Although, I must say that particular part of my life is still a little hazy. Amazing what chemicals can do to the brain. Now out to the Traffic Center to see what the morning commute has to offer. Ben, how do things look for the Friday morning commute?”
“Well Frank, it’s gonna be another roaster of a day, the mercury already pushing 90. So far we have no accidents, but there is quite a bit of sunshine slowing as the glare down there is as bright as the channel 8 studio lights during a political debate…”
Lissa turned the radio off. Better to listen to nothing than to listen to that. She was incensed that the radio personalities were so quick to judge what had happened to that teenager. They had already decided what had happened and who was to blame, even though they had no idea what was going on, if anything at all. She wondered again about what was keeping her in Boise and why she just didn’t leave the city to get away from all of this. Then she reconsidered and decided to just call the radio and give them a piece of her mind. Realizing too that this was probably what they were hoping for, she contented herself by just leaving the radio off. It wasn’t much of a statement, but at least she wasn’t endorsing their rubbish.
She pulled into the apartment complex, down the lane, and then into her assigned covered parking where she pulled to a stop and cut the
Mercedes Keyes, Lawrence James