“Not that I’m aware of. He died without issue of course, and as far as I am aware there were no surviving relatives on his wife’s side of the family, and there is only Beverley and yourself on his side.”
Martin downed the last of his whiskey.
“I really don’t understand why he left everything to me,” he said as he placed the glass down on his desk, “I mean, I’ve had no contact with him; in fact as far as I can recall, I’ve only ever seen him once, and I was little more than four or five years old at the time.”
“Well, whatever his reasons; ‘the deed is done’, as they say. Have you thought as yet what you propose to do with your inheritance?”
“That is why I phoned; I suppose I should at least go and look at it. Maybe I’ll visit his grave and speak to a few of the locals, and then decide about the property later.”
“Seems like a reasonable idea to me,” the lawyer agreed.
“Is it practical for me to gain ready access? I’m thinking I might go and spend a few days there. James keeps on at me to take a break; maybe this is a good time to do it? There’s nothing to keep me here right now, and the business can look after itself for a bit. I may spend a week there, or maybe two or three, I don’t know. It will give me a chance to inspect the place; I might even abstract anything of personal interest, and contact you later when I’ve decided what I want to do with it.”
“That shouldn’t present any problems; if you eventually decide to dispose of the estate there is bound to be a reputable house agent in the area who can handle matters.”
“How do I gain access?” Martin asked.
“As I understand it, there is a sort of caretaker in residence; she is holding the keys to the house.”
“You intrigue me; what do you mean, sort of?”
“My information is that your late uncle had a part-time housekeeper; this is the person I mentioned who had attended his funeral. I believe her name is Mrs Brent. She actually lives in the service flat above the double garage situated in the grounds of the house. I’ve looked at the photograph of the property that your late uncle’s solicitor sent to me from which I gather that an old stable block was converted some years ago in order to accommodate cars. During this work a service flat was created on the first floor above the garage. Mrs Brent is still in residence and holding the keys. She is looking after the property pending a decision being made with regard to its future. I gather she is assisted by a part time gardener who works on the same basis”
“Well, I suppose that helps to prevent the property from being vandalised whilst it is empty,” Martin commented. “No doubt this caretaker is already looking round for alternative accommodation?”
“Possibly,” the solicitor said in a slightly dubious voice.
“Meaning what?”
“Meaning that she may have no intention of moving.”
“Hm, that could be a bit awkward if I want to unload it.”
“If she digs her heels in, yes I suppose it might.”
“So it might come down to having to obtain a court order to get her evicted?”
“I doubt it will be as easy as that; I gather she has a valid ninety-nine year lease on the flat.”
“You’re not serious?”
“I don’t have the papers in front of me, but from memory I believe there is also a clause in the will that states that the house and grounds may not be sold together or separately unless Mrs Brent vacates the flat of her own free will.”
“I might have known there was a catch in things somewhere,” Martin sighed, with visions of a quick sale now fading into the background. “Still, I suppose if it is her home we could not just pitch the poor woman out on the street. I imagine that a suitable cash inducement in due course will do the trick?”
“Quite possibly; it would certainly facilitate matters if you decide that you do wish to dispose of the property. Oh, and whilst of the