“How much is substantial?” Eva asked.
“Two million dollars.”
“Oh my God!” Eva screamed into the phone.
“However, this money will be donated to your mother’s favorite charity in three more months if you cannot forge a relationship. She had it all planned out to donate upon what would have been her sixty fifth birthday.”
“Three months? It would be a miracle if I could get Gracie to take me back in that short a time.”
“Well, that’s up to you. Let me know,” he said and hung up the phone.
Eva stared out the window looking at the mountains in the distance realizing just how big the hurdles were she would have to climb to get Gracie to have a relationship with her. She desperately needed that two million dollars, so she would do anything to make sure their relationship was repaired as quickly as possible.
As they sat down to dinner, Eva did her best to make small talk with her sister and Randy. It was more than obvious neither of them really wanted her there, but with dollar signs flashing in her head, she was determined to force a relationship by all means necessary.
One thing she didn’t understand was why her mother wanted this. After all, she didn’t even leave money for Gracie at all, so why would a relationship be important after her death?
“So, what are you planning to do about a job?” Gracie asked between bites of pot roast.
“Well, I just got here, so I haven’t really thought about it,” Eva said laughing before realizing that Gracie was quite serious.
“You aren’t going to live here for free, Eva.”
“Gracie,” Randy said trying to cool her off.
“No, Randy, she needs to understand. My sister can be a bit dense about real life… obviously.”
“Is this how it’s going to be? With you belittling me all the time?” Eva asked as she took a sip of her tea.
“Don’t you think you deserve it, at least a little bit?” Gracie asked.
“Maybe. But I am trying, Gracie. I want a good relationship with my sister. We’re all that’s left of our family.” Eva had a hard time keeping herself calm after the verbal assaults her sister was making, but the two million dollars was dancing around in her head. And she would do just about anything to get to that money and get the heck out of Mill Creek Crossing.
“I don’t need a sister, Eva. Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but I have no plans to trust you ever again. Now, back to the original question. When and where will you be applying for jobs?”
Eva smiled wearily across the table at Randy before she began to speak. Maybe she could get him on her side.
“Well, I guess you’ll have to tell me the best places to apply. What about the diner?”
“Why? You could easily get me a job there.”
“Because I work there, and it’s bad enough I have to see you at home. I do not want to work with you. Besides, Stella just hired two new waitresses, so we don’t need anyone else.”
“My suggestion would be O’Malley’s Bar.”
“A bar? You can’t be serious!” Eva said with her mouth gaping open.
“You want to make money, don’t you?”
“Well, yeah…”
“O’Malley’s is the best place then. You can be a waitress or bartender and make lots of tips. Plus, I know Lizzie Maynard just got married, so there’s an opening. You can go by there and ask for Brice.”
“Great…” Eva said sarcastically as she shoved a big bite of biscuit into her mouth. “Who’s this Brice guy?”
“He runs the place. His father owns it, but he’s been ill for years with multiple sclerosis.”
“I’ll drop by there tomorrow then,” Eva said.
“I’d do it tonight before they fill the position. Plus, bars are open at night, you know…”
“Tonight? But I was going to take a nice, long bath and…”
“Eva,” Gracie said with a
Mandie, the Ghost Bandits (v1.0) [html]