“Are you—” Then he hesitated. “Are you single?”
“Indeed, I am. In fact, I’ve only been out here for four months. Haven’t really been exploring my options.”
“Good to know.” He grinned and moved away from the door. I walked passed him, patting him on the shoulder as I stepped back into the apartment.
The rest of the night went great. Abby brought out the guitar hero, and we started playing and goofing around. I felt like there was a serious attraction between Dustin and me, but we kept our distance the rest of the night. I had a good time playing games and laughing. It had been a while since I had a night like that to enjoy. I knew Cooper was waiting for me, and I knew it was time to head home as it was close to one a.m.
“Well, everybody, I had a great time tonight, but I need to head upstairs and get some rest for work tomorrow. Lucky Abby here is off. I don’t get that luxury.” I smirked at Abby. “Thanks, Evan, for the pizza.” I gave him a quick hug and then to Abby as I made my way to the door as I grabbed my smokes and keys.
“Bye, girl. I’m sure I’ll see you and Coop tomorrow sometime. Have a good night. Thanks for coming by!” Abby hugged me and then closed the door behind me. I started to walk toward my apartment when I noticed Dustin standing in front of me in the hallway.
“Can I walk you home?” He asked with a goofy smile on his face.
“You don’t have to as I’m perfectly capable.”
But I’d really love it if you did!
“I’d like to, though.”
I put my hands up in the ‘I give in’ motion. “Ok. Right this way.” I headed past him and started to walk up the cement stairs making my way down the hotel looking hallway to my cozy apartment.
“This is me.” I pointed to my door that read 209 on a wooden plaque.
Dustin took a deep breath and let it out. “Can I see you again?”
He’s really pushy, isn’t he?
I played with a loose strand of my hair and sighed. “Dustin, I’m going to be honest with you. I’m not sure what I want with my life right now. It’s crazy. I work many hours at the restaurant, and I’m barely able to get by. I don’t get out much, and I definitely haven’t hung out with a guy, let alone dated anyone, in a really long time.”
He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “I just asked if I could see you again. Calm down. I’m not asking you to marry me or anything.” He joked as he tried to make me laugh.
“Yes, you can see me again. Hand me your phone.” I giggled trying hard not to look nervous. Trying even harder not to pounce on this beautiful man standing right in front of me.
I typed my name and number into his phone. “I work tomorrow from eleven to eight. It’s my long shift. I really need to get some sleep.” I smiled my Colgate smile.
“Goodnight, Riley.” He lifted my hand and kissed the top of it.
The touch of his lips on my hand made my heart palpitate. It sent butterflies through my stomach. I can’t believe all that from a little peck on my hand.
“Goodnight, Dustin. Thanks for walking me upstairs.”
“Anytime.” He winked at me.
I unlocked my apartment door, and when I walked in, Cooper was right at my feet, as usual. I closed the door and stood there for a minute. I was a little shocked by what had just happened. There was a guy interested in me? Miss Riley Miller? I didn’t know if I could handle a boyfriend with my crazy work schedule, though.
I took Cooper outside real quick to let him do his business, and then hurried back in the house. I jumped in my pajamas and hit the bed, clutching my pillow and shutting my eyes. I was out in a heartbeat.
** CHAPTER 2 **
I ran down the hallway, flew down the stairs, and returned to Evan and Abby’s apartment. I walked in the door, and they hadn’t even noticed I had been gone. I was a little devious, and when I knew they were walking Riley out, I slipped out to the