with another pair of Styrofoam cups. The two detectives went on ragging the three-card dealer, telling him they figured he had to be the First Avenue Slasher. The kid kept up his end of the banter reasonably well.
Fitzroy sat down, blew on his coffee, took a sip, made a face. He lit a cigarette and leaned back in his swivel chair. "ThisLondon ," he said.
"You saw him?"
"Just a little while ago."
"What did you think? You gonna help him out?"
"I don't know if that's the word for it. I told him I'd give it a shot."
"Yeah, I figured there might be something in it for you, Matt.
Here's a guy looking to spend a few dollars. You know what it's like, it's like his daughter up and died all over again and he's got to think he's doing something about it. Now there's nothing he can do, but if he spends a few dollars he'll maybe feel better, and why shouldn't it go to a good man who can use it? He's got a couple bucks, you know. It's not like you're taking it from a crippled newsie."
"That's what I gathered."
"So you'll give it a shot," he said. "That's good. He wanted me to recommend somebody to him and right off I thought of you. Why not give the business to a friend, right? People take care of each other and that makes the world go on spinning. Isn't that what they say?"
I had palmed five twenties while he was getting the coffee. Now I leaned forward and tucked them into his hand. "Well, I can use a couple days work," I said. "I appreciate it."
"Listen, a friend's a friend, right?" He made the money disappear.
A friend's a friend, all right, but a favor's a favor and there are no free lunches, not in or out of the department. And why should there be?
"So you'll chase around and ask a few questions," he went on, "and you can string him for as long as he wants to play, and you don't have to bust your hump over it. Nine years, for Christ's sake. Wrap this one up and we'll fly you down toDallas , let you figure out who killed J.F.K."
"It must be a pretty cold trail."
"Colder'n Kelsey's legendary nuts. If there was any reason at the time to think she wasn't just one more entry in the Icepick Prowler's datebook, then maybe somebody would of done a little digging at the time. But you know how those things work."
"We got this guy now over here onFirst Avenue taking whacks at people on the street, swinging at 'em with a butcher knife. We got to figure they're random attacks, right? You don't run up to the victim's husband and ask him was she fucking the mailman. Same with what's-her-name, Ettinger. Maybe she was fucking the mailman and maybe that's why she got killed, but there didn't look to be any reason to check it out at the time and it's gonna be a neat trick to do it now."
"Well, I can go through the motions."
"Sure, why not?" He tapped an accordion-pleated manila file. "I had them pull this for you. Why don't you do a little light reading for a few minutes? There's a guy I gotta see."
HE was gone a little better than half an hour. I spent the time reading my way through the Icepick Prowler file. Early on, the two detectives popped the three-card dealer into a holding cell and rushed out, evidently to run down a tip on the First Avenue Slasher. The Slasher had done his little number right there in the Eighteenth, just a couple of blocks from the station house, and they were evidently pretty anxious to put him away.
I was done with the file when Frank Fitzroy got back. He said,
"Well? Get anything?"
"Not a whole lot. I made a few notes. Mostly names and addresses."
"They may not match up after nine years. People move. Their whole fucking lives change."
God knows mine did. Nine years ago I was a detective on the NYPD. I lived onLong Island in a house with a lawn and a backyard and a barbecue grill and a wife and two sons. I had moved, all right, though it was sometimes difficult to determine the direction. Surely my life had changed.
I tapped the file folder. "Pinell," I said. "How sure is it he didn't kill
Angela Andrew;Swan Sue;Farley Bentley
Rachel Haimowitz, Heidi Belleau
Thomas A Watson, Christian Bentulan, Amanda Shore