knew his school record. It had not been so good. He had been dropped from the football team for dirty work and suspended from his classes for cheating in exams. Then he had almost killed the biology teacher. The incident had created quite a sensation hi the town.
The teacher had severely reprimanded Skink for the theft of a microscope. In revenge, Skink had dropped a sidewinder into the teacher’s pocket. The adult sidewinder is only a foot long but it is a true rattlesnake and can inflict a deadly bite. The teacher put his hand in his pocket and was bitten. He spent three days in the hospital, close to death.
Skink was expelled from school. The Inkham family moved to another town where their past was not known.
No wonder Skink was not tickled to bump into someone who knew him then.
Hal tried to make conversation. ‘Well, how do you like our lagoon?’ The boat spun a winding path between islands that looked like green towers spilling blossoms and fruit from all their balconies.
Skink looked around, and grunted.
Hal could guess what was on Skink’s mind. He was afraid Hal would tell what he knew of him.
Should I tell? Hal wondered. The doctor has a right to know what sort of man he has on board. This fellow will cause trouble sooner or later. He might even wreck the expedition. I could prevent that by putting Dr Blake wise now. If Blake knows, he will drop Skink from his staff. At least he won’t put him above me. I don’t think I could stand having him lord it over me.
But he knew he wouldn’t tell. Not even to Roger. Roger wouldn’t remember Skink - he had been too young at the time.
Perhaps Skink had reformed. Perhaps he was really a good egg now. He should be given a chance to prove it. ‘Look, Skink,’ Hal said. T don’t quite know how to say this -1 think you and I ought to have an understanding.’
Skink looked at him suspiciously. ‘What sort of understanding?’
‘You had some bad luck in school. But you needn’t think I’m going to blab about it’ 1 didn’t get a fair deal in school.’ Hal thought about his. ‘Seems to me you got more than a fair deal, Skink. You might have been tried for attempted murder. But your teacher refused to prefer charges. He even paid his own hospital bill. He insisted that what you had done was only a practical joke.’ ‘That’s all it was,’ maintained Skink. ‘Just a joke.’ Hal could not answer. He could only look unbelievingly at this rascal who considered killing or near-killing only a joke. He thought of the days ahead - of the work under water. There were enough dangers down below without having this kind of joker in the game. But that was a chance that would have to be taken.
‘All I want you to know,’ he said, ‘is that you’re going to have a fair deal now.’
‘Hunt,’ exclaimed Skink, ‘come down off your high horse. Who do you think you are, talking to me like a father? I can run my own affairs. Pretty soon 111 be running yours too. I know more about this undersea stuff than you and your Blake put together. Within a month I’m going to be boss of this expedition. Never mind my deal - start worrying about what kind of a deal you’re going to have. If you were smart you’d get out now. Jf you don’t, you can expect to take orders from me, and they won’t always be nice. Now do we understand each other?’
‘I think we do,’ Hal said. His steady gaze bored into the shifty eyes of his companion. ‘You want it to be you against me. All right, if that’s the way you want it, that’s the way it will be.’
They came alongside the Lively Lady and went aboard. Blake was at the rail.
‘Good morning, Inkham,’ Blake said heartily.
Skink was all smiles now. ‘Nice to see you again, Blake.’
They shook hands. Dr Blake’s eyes ran admiringly over the strong, supple figure of the new man.
‘Good to have you aboard,’ he said. ‘We’ve been having a tough time - we need you.’
‘I think 1 can help you out,’ said Skink